
Hello, My Name is Katy Jean

These are the latest tweets that wouldn’t fit from the account @katynotie

The most recent topics

Tall Man, Two Eyes, Numbertaker and Strang!

The Nova Scotia provincial COVID-19 briefings March 15, 2020 – March 15, 2022 from the perspective of a very online Twitter user. [Language and narration is of the authors and is at times NSFW] I didn’t mean to become a thing. I was just a confused Nova Scotian trying to make sense out of something…

Flag Day

It is my flag I am a Canadian. I live in Nova Scotia and I can never imagine myself living anywhere else. It’s not an easy province to live in most of the time. Rent is high, wages are low, most things are unaffordable; but the view is free and it’s the most beautiful view…

Omicron to the next

There is a new variant of concern. B.1.1.529. Omicron.  It’s all over your feeds and in the news but what do we know? Not a whole lot, really. What we do know is Omicron or B.1.1.529 was first found in Botswana, South Africa and identified to the World Health Organization on November 24 with the…

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